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Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

[Alumni-AMG] buku bagus

  1. Ebook Satellite Meteorology by R. R. Kelkar (16,68 Mb) http://ifile.it/lhar17m/_LBQkcNYtA.7z

  2. Satellites, Oceanography and Society (Eslevier Ocenography Series) by : David Halper http://ifile.it/s8axi0l/_AfaDp8Zwhixm.7z

  3. Dynamics of the Atmosphere: A Course in Theoretical Meteorology by:  Wilford Zdunkowski Andreas Bott http://megaupload.com/?d=36919NGK dan http://ifile.it/1za36u4/BmYdgyAtKeV.7z

  4. An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology, Volume 88, Fourth Edition (International Geophysics) by: James R. Holton http://megaupload.com/?d=84A02XSK

  5. Principles of Ocean Physics (International Geophysics, Volume 38) by: John R. Apel http://megaupload.com/?d=41THK6NY

semuanya pake pass
: ebooksclub.org
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